The green space par excellence of the people of Casalarreina.

The recreational area belonging to the mountain of “El Soto” presents an extensive area of green zones close to the River Oja. It is a natural space with abundant flora and interesting fauna, where the highlights are the trout, the common blackbird, the serin, the goldfinch and the greenfinch.

  • ADDRESS: Camino de Baños, junto al río Oja. – How to get »

It has numerous pieces of equipment, such as tables, grills and drinking fountains, thanks to which one can enjoy a delicious meal in the open air.

In addition, Pobes Spring is the place where the pilgrimage of Saint John is held every 24 June, a festivity with deep roots in the municipality. In this space on this particular date, a wine battle is held, along with a picnic meal cooked on its grills.